What’s an apicoectomy?
A tooth’s root reaches all the way to the jaw. If decay or infection occurs at the very end of the root, it can be difficult to treat with a traditional root canal. An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure where an incision is made in the gum to access the root directly. Here, an apicoectomy specialist will be able to see whether or not that root is cracked. If it isn’t cracked or broken, the tip of the offending root will be removed and sealed off. If there’s any infected tissue, that’s taken out as well. An apicoectomy is one retreatment route we take when a root canal fails.
Why do I need an apicoectomy?
Usually, people need an apicoectomy specialist only after a regular root canal has failed. Every now and then, an infection will be especially persistent, and won’t clear up after a root canal. Infection might also persist because the dental professional who performed the original root canal did not detect and did not clean – extra canals. Trauma to the mouth can also cause calcification in canals, which makes them hard to clean in a non-surgical setting. When discussing an apicoectomy with the team at Jenkintown Endodontics, we’ll be sure to explain exactly why we feel it’s the best option for your individual situation.
How long will it take to recover?
While an apicoectomy is technically a surgery, it typically only requires a local anesthetic to numb the area. In fact, some patients can even drive themselves home after the surgery. Of course, it’s important to follow any instructions we give following the procedure. The area around the incision may be a little swollen, and we’ll also share details about eating and drinking, as well as any medications needed.
What happens if I refuse an apicoectomy?
An apicoectomy is a last resort in saving a tooth. Naturally, one cannot just allow infection in the mouth to continue, so the next step would be having the tooth extracted. Choosing the right apicoectomy specialist in Jenkintown can allow everyone to avoid the expense of bridgework and implants, retaining our real, healed, fully functioning teeth. Let us show you how we make an apicoectomy a successful, relatively comfortable, experience with minimal pain and inconvenience.
Why do I need an endodontist in Jenkintown for this procedure?
Many dentists do not offer apicoectomies in their offices; they refer patients to us, qualified endodontists. When we see a specially trained endodontist in Jenkintown, we are seeing a professional with years of additional training in saving teeth. Plus, our expertise is supplemented by special equipment used to complete a successful apicoectomy, such as special lighting, microscopes, ultrasonic instruments, and more. All of this provides a very important edge in completely cleaning out a tooth and giving the patient that final, successful result.