Why do I need traumatic dental injury treatment?
When it comes to saving injured teeth, timing is everything. For example, if a tooth is cleanly knocked out by accident, getting to an endodontist within 30 minutes can mean the difference between keeping that tooth, and losing it forever. Endodontists like us are solely in the business of saving natural teeth, so if any trauma to the teeth is suspected, an endodontist should be consulted immediately.
What does my endodontist need to know about my injury?
When you experience a traumatic injury to your teeth, you must be prepared to thoroughly inform the endodontist of your situation. In addition to the usual basic information, be prepared to explain precisely how and when the injury occurred. An endodontist in Jenkintown has seen a lot of different injuries and will use experience to formulate a solution to best address the injury. Also, be sure to inform concerning any past injuries, as well as any prior treatment of this injury.
Do I really need to see an endodontist so quickly?
Yes. Traumatic dental injury treatment is intended to help us avoid things like root resorption. We might think that slightly loose tooth will be fine and tighten back up on its own, but this could be a huge mistake. Over time, the body may fight the injured tooth, and once root resorption occurs, it will become inflamed as our own cells begin to destroy it. So, while the tooth may look and feel okay right now, we’re still at risk of losing it. At the very least, we need imaging to monitor the internal structure, including the root.
Why an endodontist?
It’s simple, really. Endodontists are specialists. We identify difficult-to-diagnose dental problems all the time. That’s in addition to providing more comprehensive surgeries and procedures a general dentist may know of but isn’t prepared to offer. When visiting Jenkintown Endodontics, rest assured that we’re providing quality, specialized, experienced care designed to help everyone retain their healthy, natural smile. Doing so as quickly as possible following an injury can save us the expense of pricey restorations and replacements – not to mention pain from an unknown, untreated dental injury.
Traumatic Dental Injury Treatment in Jenkintown & Philadelphia
The treatment we give is of course very dependent on factors unique to the case at hand. In general, however, there are a few courses of action commonly taken. A broken tooth may need only a filling or crown to be restored. For injuries that have exposed the pulp of the tooth or dislodged it, root canals may be necessary to re-stabilize the tooth in its proper position. One may need a splint to keep injured teeth in place during the healing process.